
IMPA's Power Supply System

Gibson Unit 5

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IMPA's Power Supply System

Gibson Unit 5 is a 625 MW coal-fired baseload generating facility located in southwestern Indiana.  The unit was placed in service in 1982 and relies on high sulfur coal supplies predominantly from southern Indiana.   Coal for Gibson Unit 5 is delivered to the plant by rail and truck and is purchased from several suppliers under contracts with varying terms.

Gibson Unit 5 is equipped with sulfur dioxide (“SO2”) and nitrogen oxide (“NOX”) removal facilities and burns high sulfur coal that is predominantly from southern Indiana. Gibson Unit 5 installed a selective catalytic reduction system (“SCR”) for NOX control, upgraded its flue gas desulfurization system (the “FGD” system) to increase SO2 removal efficiency.  Gibson Unit 5 upgraded the unit’s electrostatic precipitator, added calcium bromide injection equipment, made certain duct modifications and added additional monitoring equipment in order to comply with the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards. with particulate, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) removal facilities.  Installation of a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system for NOXcontrol was completed in 2004, and in 2008, Gibson Unit 5 upgraded its flue gas desulfurization system to increase SO2 removal efficiency.

IMPA has a 24.95% ownership interest, or approximately 156 MW, in Gibson Unit 5, which it jointly owns with Duke Energy and the Wabash Valley Power Association.